We resolved to build the poor man’s laser harp, using LED emitters shining across a set of sensors that would notice when we blocked them with our hands. It needed to play tones that sounded sweet and lovely when we needed it for ballads, and hard-edged and techno when we were feeling the dirty nerdy groove. It needed to play several notes at once and listen to a remote control. Most of all, it needed to have a 3.5mm jack so that someday we could live the dream, playing it in that room next to that guy, fog machines and all.
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Contain lots of Sample Projects and thesis, engineering E-books for Electrical & Electronics engineering Students.
Project on Low-Cost Portable Potentiostat for Biosensing Applications
A potentiostat is an instrument used in chemical and biological tests that controls the voltage between two electrodes, working and reference, at a constant value. Chemical and biological tests are typically run in a three-electrode system, which includes the aforementioned working and reference electrode as well as a counter electrode. These systems are used to test the electrical activity of certain compounds or microbes, where the electrode acts as either the electron acceptor or electron donor. By monitoring the current and plotting the data against either time (chronoamperometry) or potential (voltammetry), information can be obtained as to the electrochemical activity of chemical compounds and/or microbes. In this project, we will present a design for this potentiostat using the ATMega644, an external digital-to-analog converter (DAC), and a series of operational amplifiers (op-amps). We will utilize the serial peripheral interface (SPI) to communicate between the microcontroller and DAC, the op-amps to process the signal from the DAC and apply a potential to the electrochemical cell, and the internal analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to record the current at the working electrode.
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Project On Handheld Ultrasonic Rangefinder
Our ultrasonic rangefinder is capable of allowing the user to determine his or her distance from an object or wall.
When deciding on what type of project to design and construct, we decided that we wanted to create something that would have some practical use in life. Many groups in the past created video games, but we wanted to be different. We considered issues such as safety, user interface, and ease of use, and came up with the idea of making an ultrasonic rangefinder. A rangefinder can be used in various applications such as a measuring device or an obstacle detection device.
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Project On Intelligent Wireless Pedometer
We have built an intelligent, wearable pedometer. This wireless pedometer can calculate many useful statistics such as the number of steps a user has taken, the distance and the speed the person has walked/run, as well as the number of calories the person has burned. This information is wireless transmitted to the base-station, and it is displayed on the PC in a useful manner. This project is in collaboration with the Paramedics Project with John Belina.Traditionally, pedometers only measure the number of steps a user has taken. Recently, more advanced pedometers include GPS units to calculate the distance a person has traveled, but using GPS substantially increase the cost of the product. Our project uses a low-cost accelerometer to determine the distance, speed, number of steps taken, and calories burned of a user instead.
Project on digital stethoscope
Our project is a digital stethoscope that displays your heartbeat on any television. It also calculates beats per
minute and alerts you if your rate falls out of a specified range.
At the highest level, the design of our project centers around an acquisition circuit, data processing in two
MCUs, and the output on a TV screen. The first part of the stethoscope is the acquisition unit, which consists of
an actual stethoscope mated with a microphone, and an amplifier circuit. The microphone captures the audible
signal from the body that is acoustically amplified by the stethoscope. After that, we bias and set the gain of the
signal using an operational amplifier so that the ADC on the MCU will be able to pick up the signal. The
analog data will be independently sampled by the two MCUs at a rate appropriate for display on the TV (CPU1) and a rate sufficient to capture the appropriate characteristics of the signal for beat detection (CPU2). CPU2, uses a moving threshold scheme to detect the actual heartbeats, and from that derive the heart rate. Then the signal is blasted to the TV, which also displays pertinent data, such as beats per minute. Additional information is displayed on the HyperTerm. If applicable, a buzzer will sound if your heart rate falls out of a specified range.
minute and alerts you if your rate falls out of a specified range.
At the highest level, the design of our project centers around an acquisition circuit, data processing in two
MCUs, and the output on a TV screen. The first part of the stethoscope is the acquisition unit, which consists of
an actual stethoscope mated with a microphone, and an amplifier circuit. The microphone captures the audible
signal from the body that is acoustically amplified by the stethoscope. After that, we bias and set the gain of the
signal using an operational amplifier so that the ADC on the MCU will be able to pick up the signal. The
analog data will be independently sampled by the two MCUs at a rate appropriate for display on the TV (CPU1) and a rate sufficient to capture the appropriate characteristics of the signal for beat detection (CPU2). CPU2, uses a moving threshold scheme to detect the actual heartbeats, and from that derive the heart rate. Then the signal is blasted to the TV, which also displays pertinent data, such as beats per minute. Additional information is displayed on the HyperTerm. If applicable, a buzzer will sound if your heart rate falls out of a specified range.
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