Project on Advanced Vehicle Security System with Theft Control and Accident Notification

This is a Major final year project for Electronics engineering students on Advanced Vehicle Security System with Theft Control and Accident Notification which is designed to reduce the risk involved in losing the vehicle and providing accident notification which will reduce the rate of deaths. This is an inexpensive device which reduces the problem associated with accident notification and anti-theft control.
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Project on GSM Based Irrigation Water Supply Monitoring & Control System

The purpose of this project is to monitor and control the water flow to an irrigation system using Mobile Phone. This can be achieved by the use of soil moisture sensor, which senses the water content in the soil. This sensor output is given to a Microcontroller based control system for further data processing.
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Project On Gas detector Device

This is a gas detecting circuit capable of sensing many different types of gases. The sensor used is the GH-312 and from the datasheet it is capable of sensing gases like smoke, liquefied gas, butane and propane, Methane, alcohol, hydrogen, etc.
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